I am currently trying to set the Storage Engine for a table, because from case to case MyISAM and InnoDB should be used. Unfortunately I did not find a way to set this in Hibernate, and I do not want to create each table by hand. My prefered way would be to anotate it in the Java-POJO, but I couldn't find a way to do so.

I've found Hibernate: what's the difference between MySQLDialect and MySQLInnoDBDialect?, which tells me that setting the Dialect to org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect would help (it says this for the InnoDB-Dialect, but it seems like one could choose the default dialect with this), but this method has two shortcommings: First, the dialect is chosen for all tables, and second, it creates a query like CREATE TABLE xy(..) type=MyISAM but the query would be correct with engine=MyISAM.

Also Hibernate mysql innodb says that there are defaults, and that I can overwrite them when creating tables, but not how - does somebody know how to do this?

1 Answer 1


Instead of org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect or org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect, you should use org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5MyISAMDialect or org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect.

This way, it creates the table using engine=MyISAM or engine=InnoDB.

But this configuration is global and if you really have a reason to configure it for a single table, you could try:

  • Hibernate import SQL (hibernate.hbm2ddl.import_files). Add the path to a SQL file which contains the alter table into it.

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