I've developed a hardware (client,src ip :9652, des ip :9652) that reply ARP and ICMP request from pc and send UDP frame, i can check the UDP frame , ARP and icmp reply in wireshark and all of these frames are ok but i can't receive anything in my software,

in pc side (server) i set up ip address and i wrote delphi code for receiving udp frame by using indy10 , and then i check On_udp_read event for receiving data but this event never occur,

sever (pc):

  udpserver.Active := True;
  binding.IP:= ''; // my computer IP
  • 2
    I know nothing about Delphi, but try setting it active last instead of first.
    – user207421
    Feb 24, 2015 at 8:46

1 Answer 1


You need to set up the Bindings collection before you activate the server, not after:

//udpserver.Active := True;
binding := udpserver.Bindings.Add;
binding.IP := '';
binding.Port := 9652;
udpserver.Active := True; // <-- move down here

If the Bindings collection is empty when you activate the server, it will create a default item that is bound to IP (IPv4) or ::1 (IPv6) on the TIdUDPServer.DefaultPort, which is 0 by default. So you would end up binding to a random OS-assigned port, unless you set the DefaultPort beforehand, eg:

udpserver.DefaultPort := 9652;
udpserver.Active := True;
  • after i shift it to the end and also disabled Antivirus and windows firewall , I could't receive UDP frame in my software again, when I check "netstat -e" or "wireshark" I can see received the udp frame, the netstat -e show the computer didn't receive "unknown protocols frames " but received "discards frames",
    – Sorena
    Feb 25, 2015 at 2:28
  • If frames are being discarded, then their destination does not match any active socket. You might want to use netstat to also verify that your udp server IP/port is actually open and in a listening state. Feb 25, 2015 at 6:15
  • I've implemented my hardware to reply only to ARP and ICMP and make and send UDP frame,
    – Sorena
    Feb 25, 2015 at 8:42
  • The only other thing I can think of is if the destination MAC on the UDP packets (00:1e:68:4d:b7:b0) does not match the MAC on the NIC that has IP Did you check that yet? You can use ipconfig /all for that. Feb 25, 2015 at 17:41
  • yes that's match,i can transfer udp packet between two pc, but i couldn't do that between a hardware and pc, i don't know what's the problem, maybe hardware should to reply to some packet that send by pc first, and then the connection will be established,
    – Sorena
    Feb 26, 2015 at 0:36

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