I write a npapi plugin for Safari, and I write a framework to show a modal window dialog to get password . Safari invoke plugin and plugin invoke framework. everything works well but when I close the dialog , Safari do not get the focus , I must click on the html to active safari , so it get the focus .

I show the modal dialog with following code:

NSModalSession session = [NSApp beginModalSessionForWindow:[self window]];
for (;;)
    if ([NSApp runModalSession:session] != NSModalResponseContinue)
[NSApp endModalSession:session];

and close the modal window with:

[self stopModal];

But if I show the modal window with:

[NSApp runModalForWindow:[self window]];

it works well .

what is the problem?

1 Answer 1


Showing modal dialogs (in fact, opening windows in general) is not a supported part of NPAPI, and is strongly discouraged. The problem is that you are doing something that NPAPI isn't designed to do, and that interacts poorly with out-of-process plugin hosting.

  • may be you are right smorgan ,but I found a solution, in my framework, when I close the modal window . I make the Safari active,so it get focued.
    – wayne liu
    Feb 27, 2015 at 10:50
  • Your question was why it was broken, not whether there was a workaround, which is why my answer is what it is.
    – smorgan
    Feb 28, 2015 at 0:36

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