I am doing a program in C, and currently I'm having problems. I don't know how to remove the last part of the string. For example:

char str[100] = "one => two";

I want to remove => two. Can you help me? Thanks in advance.

  • Can you give us more examples so we can find a one-size-fits-all solution?
    – rgajrawala
    Mar 2, 2015 at 5:05

4 Answers 4


If you want to remove the part after a particular char token then use:

char str[100] = "one => two";
char *temp;
temp = strchr(str,'=');   //Get the pointer to char token
*temp = '\0';             //Replace token with null char

In C, the string's end is marked with a zero character. Thus, you can remove the end of the string by writing a zero in the correct position:

str[3] = 0;

find the place of the blank right after "one" and replace it with a '\0'


If the first part of your string always ends before the "=" and assuming it will always have the "=", you could do this:

int i = 0; 
char newstr [100];
while (str[i] != '='){
strncpy (newstr,  str, i); //copy the i first characters from a char [] to a new char []
newstr [i] = 0;

Remember to include string.h to use strncpy

  • @rpattiso, I edited to fix the backwards problem and added a null byte at the end of the string. Thanks for pointing them out! Mar 2, 2015 at 5:36

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