I have the following json

  "date": "2011",
  "content": "<p>Hello world?</p>"
  "date": "2012",
  "content": "<p><strong>Hello again</strong></p>"

my controller has

public function index() {
  $data['json'] = json_decode(file_get_contents('location_of_json_file.json'));
  return view('index', $data);

my view has

@foreach ($json as $a)
  {{ $a->content }}

but what i get is

&lt;p&gt;Hello world?&lt;/p&gt;

&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Hello again&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

how can i make it parse the html code instead of displaying the syntax? i've tried htmlentities and html_entity_decode. i tried to json_encode in different place of the code, i'm lost. please help.

2 Answers 2


In Laravel 5, by default {{ ... }} will escape the output using htmlentities. To output raw HTML that get's interpreted use {!! ... !!}:

@foreach ($json as $a)
    {!! $a->content !!}

Here's a comparison between the different echo brackets and how to change them


The Blade output tags changed between Laravel 4 and Laravel 5. You're looking for:

{!! $a->content !!}

In Laravel 4, {{ $data }} would echo data as is, whereas {{{ $data }}} would echo data after running it through htmlentities.

However, Laravel 5 has changed it so that {{ $data }} will echo data after running it through htmlentities, and the new syntax {!! $data !!} will echo data as is.

Documentation here.

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