I'm trying to filter using regex in mySQL.

The field is a text field and I want to find all that match 'MD' or similar ('M.D.', 'M. D.', 'DDS, M.D.' etc.).

I do not want to accept those that contain M and D as a part of another acronym (e.g., 'DMD'). However 'DMD, M.D.' I would want to find.

Apologies if this is a simple task - I read through some regex tutorials and couldn't figure this out! Thanks.

Update: With help from the suggestions I arrived at the following solution:


which works for all of my cases. The quotes in my questions were to indicate it was a string, they are not a part of the string.

  • Pete if your question is solved, please marke it as resolved Mar 6, 2015 at 14:44

3 Answers 3


You can use a regex like this:


Working demo

enter image description here

  • Thanks for this. I used your solution, substituting \. with \\. and \b with [[:<:]] so that it works in mySQL; it becomes [[:<:]](M\\.?\s*D\\.?). It's working mostly, but it is still matching 'O.M.D.' and 'D.M.D.', which I don't want. Do you have any ideas? Mar 5, 2015 at 20:16
  • @PeteLudlow you can use this regex instead ^(M\.?\s*D\.?|D\.?\s*D\.?\s*S\.?)$ working demo. But you will lose DMD, M.D. Mar 5, 2015 at 20:24

If I have understood your requirement:

'([^'.]*[ ,]*M[. ]*D[. ]*)'

this looks for MD preceded by space comma or ' separated by 0 or more dots & spaces, followed by ' it matches all the contents between the '' marks

test: https://regex101.com/r/oV2kV8/2


In the end I found this solution works:


This allows for the 'MD' to be at the start or after another credential and to have spaces or periods or nothing between the letters.

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