I have two tables products and product_edits which hold product information on the pricelist. My app works in a way that if user changes any product info in products table it inserts it into product_edits table...


pk|code|name     |description|price|....
1 |QW1X|Product 1|...
2 |LW1X|Product 2|...
3 |DE1X|Product 3|...


pk|product_id|code|name              |description|price|....
1 |         2|LW1X|Product 2 new name|...

In above case I would like an SQL that returns records from both tables, but if product is found in product_edits table it selects only from product_edits and not also from products table.

I tried using standrd union but selects all records from both tables:

select code, name, description from products
select code, name, description from product_edits
  • Are you keeping multiple product edits in that table - i.e. if you update LW1X to "product 2 new-new name" will you then have two records in product_edits, or just the one? If the latter, I would ask what the point would be (why not just update products?), if the former, you will need to deal with your subselection. Mar 9, 2015 at 16:39

3 Answers 3


It's better to use EXISTS instead of IN, in this case. You want the search to stop once you found a match, not go over all of the results from product_edits.

So do it like this:

    code, name, description
FROM products p
WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM product_edits e WHERE e.code = p.code)
    code, name, description
FROM product_edits
  • yes this is the preferred behaviour and optimised... though the solution provided by @scubasteve623 is also working Mar 9, 2015 at 18:41
select code, name, description from products
where code not in(select code from product_edits)
select code, name, description from product_edits

You may use IFNULL function http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/control-flow-functions.html#function_ifnull

If your tables are related, you can try something like this:

    p.code, IFNULL(pe.name, p.name), IFNULL(pe.description, p.description) 
    products p 
    left join product_edit pe on (p.id = pe.product_id)
    pe2.code, pe2.name, pe2.description
    product_edits pe2

The first part will give you the products that are only in products table and the products that are in both tables, but with product_edits.description.

The second part will give you the products that are only in products_edits table, because union will remove repeated records

  • This dos not work, still selects rows from both tables Mar 9, 2015 at 18:40
  • Ok, I made a mistake. The colunm name that varies. So, IFNULL should be applied in that column, not description (or both columns if description and name are different). Mar 9, 2015 at 19:33
  • The important here is the concept of to return the equal record in two parts of union. I'm sorry for the mistake. Mar 9, 2015 at 19:38

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