anyway can help me to parse the multilevel json format my sample data is:

"name":"mainparentid:20 ","id":"161","icon":"null","parentId":"0","spaceId":"1","status":"null",

            },{"name":"Office 1","id":"164","parentId":"161","spaceId":"1","status":"NEW" }

so far i have this code:

var flevel = eval(this.children)
    //print the first level records

    itms += '<ul>'+
    itms += '<li>'+this.name+'<ul>';

    if(typeof this.children !== 'undefined'){
        var slevel = eval(this.children);

            itms += '<li>'+this.name+'</li>'


        //and so on and so fort to print 

itms += '</ul></li></ul>'; });

this code is working upto second level of parsing my problem is if the data is more than two levels. Can i ask what is the best way to do this. Thank you.

I also tried the answer in this thread JSON Recursive looping issue with Jquery

but i can't make it to work. My goal is to render this as a treeview

FIXES: thank you to Mouser

var flevel = this.children
    //print the first level records
    if(typeof this.children !== 'undefined'){
        var slevel = this.children;

function recursive(data){
        if(has a children){
  • 1
    Switch from one loop for every level to one loop to iterate the properties of the current object within a function. If the property contains other enumerable properties invoke the function again. This way you create a recursive function,
    – Mouser
    Mar 18, 2015 at 9:51
  • thanks, got your idea.
    – Cris
    Mar 18, 2015 at 10:13

2 Answers 2


You can use following recursive function to parse your data structure in UL and LI elements:

function ParseChildren(data)
    var result = '<ul>';

    for (var i=0; i< data.length; i++)
        result += '<li>' + data[i].name + '</li>';

        if (data[i].children && data[i].children.length > 0)
            result += ParseChildren(data[i].children);


    return result + '</ul>';

Try this code snippet for the tree view structure you want

    $(data).each(function (index) {
        var flevel = eval(this.children)
        $(flevel).each(function (i) {
            //print the first level records

            itms += '<ul>';
            itms += '<li>' + this.name + '<ul>';

            var child = this.children;
            var itmend = '</ul></li>';
            while (child != undefined) {
                itms = iterateChildren(child, itms)
                child = child[0].children;
                itmend += '</ul></li>';
            itms += itmend;                
        itms += '</ul></li></ul>';
    function iterateChildren(child, itms) {
        if (child[0].children == undefined) {
            itms += '<li>' + child[0].name + '</li>'
        else {
            itms += '<li>' + child[0].name + '<ul>'

        return itms;

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