
I'm trying to write a widget where you can record sounds around you and I also show the user a little graph composed by 6 imageviews (6 colored dots) which are shown/hidden according to the sound level. Now to do this I obviously need to update the widget at least with a rate of 100 milliseconds but calling each time AppWidgetManager.updateAppWidget make the homescreen lagging after a while. To update and record I use a service with an AsyncTask. What else can I do?

  • Using the partiallyUpdateWidget method seems to partially resolve the problem. I will update the answer if I find anything more.
    – Dev01
    Mar 20, 2015 at 14:19

1 Answer 1


I think that there is not a real answer to the question. I faced with the method partiallyUpdateWidget that even of updating the widget without any lag in a short time period, it is slower than updateWidget so it did not resolved my problem. I also think as many have said before that widget are NOT made to be frequently updated in a short time period (less than a second). I hope this will help some of you.

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