I have a mysterious issue.

I use Linq to Entities to get a user profile and send the result object to a function to fill it with MVC model data.

using (var db = new DatabaseEntities())
        var user = db.Users.Single(u => u.Id == accorJobPrincipal.Id);
        //At the point, user.CreatedAt contains the right date
        user = model.GetBaseObject(user);
        //At the point, user.CreatedAt is equal to DateTime.MinValue (0001/01/01)

        user.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;

        db.SaveChanges(); //Here, I have an exception due to Overflow in SQL Datetime convert
    catch (Exception ex)
        ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "A system error occured, please try later.");

Why the entity object lost data when it passed as parameter ?

EDIT Please find here the code of GetBaseObject()

public override Users GetBaseObject(Users objectFromContext = default(Users))
        var returnUser = objectFromContext ?? new Users();

        returnUser.FirstName = FirstName;
        returnUser.LastName = LastName;
        returnUser.IdTitle = IdTitle;
        returnUser.CreatedAt = CreatedAt;
        returnUser.UpdatedAt = UpdatedAt;
        returnUser.DeletedAt = DeletedAt;
        returnUser.LastConnectionAt = LastConnectionAt;
        returnUser.Enabled = Enabled;
        returnUser.Email = Email;
        returnUser.NTLogin = NTLogin;
        returnUser.Login = Login;
        returnUser.Password = Password;
        returnUser.PasswordAttemptFailCount = PasswordAttemptFailCount;

        return returnUser;
  • Potentially your SQL Server DateTime settings are different to your .NET environment. I.e. one is US and one UK
    – ediblecode
    Mar 20, 2015 at 11:30
  • What does GetBaseObject do? Quick search of the net gives me nothing.
    – kjbartel
    Mar 20, 2015 at 11:35
  • Please provide the code for "GetBaseObject" function
    – Sumit
    Mar 20, 2015 at 12:19

1 Answer 1


I'm sorry, I've found my noob error posting the code :-(

I rewrite the value of dates during GetBaseObject() ....

It useful to post the code here ^^ you see the errors very well. Better than in my Visual Studio :-P that I used every time.

Thanks all to your participation


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