please check with me where is the error in this ajax code to send 2 parameters:

var xhr = getXhr();
// On défini ce qu'on va faire quand on aura la réponse
xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
    // On ne fait quelque chose que si on a tout reçu et que le serveur est ok
    if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200)
        selects = xhr.responseText;
        // On se sert de innerHTML pour rajouter les options a la liste
        //document.getElementById('prjsel').innerHTML = selects;
          var i=1;
          xhr.send("id=" +id+", fu="+i);

i cant got the value of fu i don't know why. thanks

2 Answers 2


The contents of your xhr.send() need to be URL encoded. For example:


Basicallly, anything that goes inside the xhr.send() would be the same as the query string you'd set with a GET. In other words, what you have inside send should also work on the end of a URL:


it is really strange because i am used to work with it like that. so i changed to the next:

xhr.send( "id="+id+"&fu="+i);

and it works.

thanks for help.

  • chuckle... but good work! I always like programmers who keep trying to solve their problem even after asking a question... instead of simply waiting for an answer... however trivial the issue may be.
    – Senthil
    May 27, 2010 at 8:21

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