Experimenting with scalaz.NonEmptyList, I tried:

scala> import scalaz.NonEmptyList
import scalaz.NonEmptyList

scala> NonEmptyList("5", Nil)
res0: scalaz.NonEmptyList[java.io.Serializable] = NonEmptyList(5, List())

I mistakenly thought that List was the second argument to NonEmptyList#apply (it's actually varargs).

But, why does java.io.Serializable show up as the type?

1 Answer 1


You've constructed a list with two items, a String and a Nil. So the type of that list is NonEmptyList[A], where A is the lowest common supertype of both String and Nil, which is the type Serializable. Btw: the same thing happens with scala's normal List: List("5",Nil)

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