I need to insert new record in table. The first column name ob_no is int, not null. So I need generate number which is maximum ob_no at the moment +1. How can I do it? Something Like (max(ob_no) + 1) but it doesn't work in SQL 2005. Thanks for any ideas.

INSERT INTO et_thanks_2014 (ob_no, c_name)
VALUES (???, 'Some Text')
  • Use an Identity column. CREATE TABLE et_thanks_2014 ( ob_no int IDENTITY(1,1), c_name varchar (20) ); Mar 26, 2015 at 13:06
  • if you want to use ob_no as a key, you should make it the primary key in your table schema and set it up with auto incrementing.
    – mituw16
    Mar 26, 2015 at 13:06

1 Answer 1


You should use identities if you don't need values without lag:

INSERT INTO et_thanks_2014 (ob_no, c_name)
SELECT MAX(ob_no) + 1, 'Some Text'
FROM et_thanks_2014

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