I used yesterday the sqlplus on ubuntu 14.04LTS normally but today when I open it I connect to the System :

SQL> connect system
Enter Password : 

Then I want to connect to my account which I created yesterday :

SQL> connect slim/slimhmidi;

when I want to create as session I had this error:

SQL> grant session to slim;
grant session to slim
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01919: role ' SESSION ' does not exist

I tried to create a session but no vain:

SQL> grant create session to slim;
grant create session to slim
ERROR at line 1: 
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Also I have this error :

SQL> grant connect to slim;
grant connect to slim

ERROR at line 1: ORA-01932: admin option not granted for role ' CONNECT' However I didn't have these problems yesterday.

1 Answer 1


ORA-01919: role ' SESSION ' does not exist

You are trying to grant the privilege to user slim while you are already connected to slim. So, the grantor and grantee are same here.

ORA-01932: admin option not granted for role ' CONNECT

As I said, you are already connected as user slim, it means the user already has the CONNECT privilege.

To grant create session to the user, you could do it as SYS user or any other user which has the privilege to grant.

See this link to documentation http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B19306_01/network.102/b14266/admusers.htm#DBSEG10000

Update Per OP's comments

To give the select privilege on the table to a user:

GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO slim;
  • when I write to select the columns of one of the tables I wrote I have this error :ORA- 00942 : table or view does not exist. Mar 28, 2015 at 10:29
  • Then you need to grant select to that user. Mar 28, 2015 at 10:35
  • ORA- 01919 : the role 'SELECT' does not exist Mar 28, 2015 at 10:44
  • I understand the mistake I have made,I connect to slim then I want to grant to create session and connect to slim which is false.I connect to system then I grant connect to slim and create session,it works.I have only one problem I want to select the column of my table what can I do??I connect to slim then I do select * from table,when I did this command I Had this problem"ORA- 00942 : table or view does not exist" Mar 28, 2015 at 10:57
  • Connect to system, and do GRANT SELECT ON table_name TO slim; Please mark it as answered. Mar 28, 2015 at 11:03

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