I have a little problem: I have a file stored in public/uploads//paper/foo/bar. This file is stored here by carrierwave (gem for file upload). Now, I want to put a link in my project to this file, but if I do like this: <a href="<%=a.document%>"> <%=a.name%></a> I get a routing error like this: No route matches [GET] "/uploads/paper/foo/bar/file.pdf".

How can I skip this default behavior of links in rails?

  • Are you sure that file is present at uploads/paper/foo/bar/file.pdf ? Try ls uploads/paper/foo/bar/file.pdf in terminal Mar 30, 2015 at 17:11
  • File is there. I tested this.
    – kitz
    Mar 30, 2015 at 17:17

1 Answer 1


This probably due to config.serve_static_files is not set to true in config/enviroments/development.rb or whichever environment you are running (defaults to true for development and false for production)

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