Anything wrong with the code? looks like binding doesn't work with iterate?

(def ^:dynamic *step* 1)

(defn incr [n] (+ n *step*))

(take 3 (binding [*step* 2] (iterate incr 1)))


'(1 2 3)


'(1 3 5)

1 Answer 1


The problem is that iterate returns a lazy sequence. So, the first call to incr function occurs outside of binding scope when you're trying to print the sequence.

Technically, your incr function is not free from side-effects just because it uses ^:dynamic variable.

If you want to use binding with lazy sequences you should force the evaluation of your sequence somewhere inside of a binding scope, e.g.:

(binding [*step* 2]
  (doall (take 3 (iterate incr 1))))
; => (1 3 5)

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