
Guys i need help regarding my situation below:

I didn't find any solution,the problem is i want to insert,update data in C# using a datagridview i will apreaciate if someone can give me an example how to do it.I found some example where only 1 table was selected from the database.I use a select with inner join from 2 datables,the fact is that i was able to display the information but i don't know how to update,insert datagridview column,and update the tables from database.

  • Update each table individually. I'm not aware of a join update.
    – Ministry
    Apr 5, 2015 at 17:24
  • I'm not agree with you alternative,i need a better solution. Apr 5, 2015 at 17:31

1 Answer 1


You can do it, but you need to use some custom T/SQL. You can find a tutorial here

Updating the TableAdapter to Use JOINs


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