I'm trying to reuse connected socket fd.

I've created connfd and connected it to the server in initialisation code. And in some other function, I do not reconnect it again, but try connfd directly..

On server,

connfd = accept(listenfd, (struct sockaddr *)&cliAddr, &len);
recvfrom(connfd, msg, TCP_DATA_LEN, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&cliAddr, &len);

On client,

sendto(sockfd, messageString, strlen(messageString), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));

sockfd is from

socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));

But on the server, I do not receive anything.

  • "reuse connected socket fd" -- please tell us more about what that means, exactly. Can you show even more context than this? Also, why is it important to you to reuse the socket fd?
    – Brian Cain
    Apr 6, 2015 at 16:50

2 Answers 2


did the code for each apply 'connect()' to their respective sockets?

the server needs to first accept() then listen() where listen() will return a new socket.

That new socket is what is used to recv() from the client.

recvfrom() and sendto() are for datagram (UDP) sockets not SOCK_STREAM (TCP) sockets.

so the code should use send() and recv().

suggest reading the man pages for the system functions the code uses

here is a link to an example, Note the example spawns a thread to handle the connection. for a single connection, the thread is not necessary.



sendto and recvfrom are for use with non-connection oriented sockets (SOCK_DGRAM rather than SOCK_STREAM), and may fail with EISCONN if you use them on connected sockets. Even if they work, the extra arguments are meaningless, so there's never any reason to use them on a connected socket.

Just use send and recv on connected sockets.

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