I have read about 15 posts on here so far regarding issues like this none of which have been able to help me.

I have the following code:

$stmt3 = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT cc.name, cc.company, cc.email FROM (`case_contacts` cc) WHERE cc.case_id=? AND cc.end_date IS NULL");
if (is_object($stmt3)) {
    $stmt3 -> bind_param("i", $case_id);
} else {
    die('Connection issue');
$stmt3 -> execute();
$stmt3 -> bind_result($name, $company, $email);
while ($stmt3->fetch()) {

When I execute it advises "Connection issue". However just before $stmt3 I can var_dump $mysqli quite happily.

I have manually entered the query into both phpmyadmin and an online query checker and both confirm that it is valid.

I have checked the permissions of the user, they are all fine. In fact I am in the process of re-writing queries from mysql to mysqli and wantedto use prepared statements. So the database user is the same. I have had no issues with other prepared statements more complex that this so I am really at a loss to what I am missing.

I have even overkilled the '`' quote wrap on the statement as I know I should on every query!

Any advice, debugging tips would be great. I have had a look around and the ones I have found are not providing an output.

1 Answer 1


mysqli_stmt::prepare ( string $query ) return TRUE or FALSE read more at:


You can use this example:


$mysqli = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', 'admin', 'test');

$case_id = 603;

$sentence =  $mysqli->stmt_init();
if($sentence->prepare("SELECT name, company, email FROM case_contacts WHERE case_id = ? AND end_date IS NULL")) {

    $sentence->bind_param("i", $case_id);
    $sentence->bind_result($name, $company, $email);

    while ($sentence->fetch()) {
        echo $name . ' - ' . $company . ' - ' . $email;
  • But my current statement in testing should return true but returns false - if I do this won't it always be false. Apr 9, 2015 at 19:10
  • @n00bstacker when you replace the ? by a value and test the query in phpmyadmin the sql is ok? Apr 9, 2015 at 19:12
  • yup Showing rows 0 - 1 (2 total, Query took 0.0001 sec) Apr 9, 2015 at 19:16
  • @n00bstacker edit the question with more code and add the sql of your table, to make a test in my server, let my know Apr 9, 2015 at 19:23
  • That will be like 1000 lines of code - do you know of any ways I can debug prior to pasting all that code? Apr 9, 2015 at 19:40

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