I was working in a branch 'A' and created a folder 'MyFolder' in this branch. I committed my changes but didn't push the changes to master. Then, I did git checkout master and shifted to master branch. Now, the folder 'MyFolder' shouldn't be there but it's present with a hidden file .fuse_hidden0000adbd00000004. There is nothing else in the 'MyFolder' folder in master.

Can I delete the folder 'MyFolder' from master?


1 Answer 1


.fuse_hidden files are related to FUSE filesystems, and should generally get cleaned up automatically. There are lots of references for this scattered about the web.

Can I delete the folder 'MyFolder' from master?

You should be able to safely delete the file, and Git doesn't track directories. It is always "safe" to remove an empty directory in a Git repository.

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