I've toggled click event to a node and I want to toggle a dbclick event to it as well. However it only triggers the click event when I dbclick on it.

So How do I set both events at the same time?

5 Answers 5


You have to do your "own" doubleclick detection

Something like that could work:

var clickedOnce = false;
var timer;

$("#test").bind("click", function(){
    if (clickedOnce) {
    } else {
        timer = setTimeout(function() {
        }, 150);
        clickedOnce = true;

function run_on_simple_click(parameter) {
    clickedOnce = false;

function run_on_double_click() {
    clickedOnce = false;

Here is a working JSFiddle

For more information about what delay you should use for your timer, have a look here : How to use both onclick and ondblclick on an element?

  • I think we should do something like this: Wait for the click function. If nothing happens for a second or so after the click function then alert("single click"). Or if there is another click event within a second after the first click then alert("dbl click"). What do you think? Aug 19, 2013 at 6:22
  • This is what I do. But the delay I put is maybe too small. Try to play with it, if you wanna experienced with click/doubleclick without having to click like crazy. :D
    – Jeremy D
    Aug 19, 2013 at 6:23
  • Great solution. However is there any way to pass a parameter to the timeout callback? Aug 19, 2013 at 8:05
  • I found it myself. Here's the solution to my question Aug 19, 2013 at 8:09
  • @SolessCHong, my solution was close. You didn't specify in your question that you needed a parameter for the callback. I edited my answer to take that in account.
    – Jeremy D
    Aug 19, 2013 at 19:08
$("#test-id").bind("click dblclick", function(){alert("hello")});

Works for both click and dblclick


I think its not possible. I was trying something like this.

    dblclick: function(){alert("Hii")},
    mousedown: function(){alert("hello")}


But its not possible to reach double click without going through single click. I tried mouse down but it does not give any solution.

  • How to bind different functions to these two events? Aug 19, 2013 at 6:04
  • So you want one two seperate functions. One for single click and another for double click? Aug 19, 2013 at 6:06
  • You should probably do a custom double-click, because it is in practice impossible to detect if a click was a doubleclick natively, as a double click is composed of two clicks. Just use a function where you check if the user clicks twice in a certains amount of time.
    – Jeremy D
    Aug 19, 2013 at 6:08
  • @SwaroopNagendra the dblclick as no effect in your example. The alert shows up at the first click.
    – Jeremy D
    Aug 19, 2013 at 6:10
  • Yes he is right. The only way to reach dblclick is by two single clicks. I dont know wether it is possible or not Aug 19, 2013 at 6:12

I pretty much used the same logic as Jeremy D.

However, in my case, it was more neat to solve this thing with anonymous functions, and a little slower double click timeout:

dblclick_timer = false
.on("click", function(d) {
    // if double click timer is active, this click is the double click
    if ( dblclick_timer )
        dblclick_timer = false
        // double click code code comes here
        console.log("double click fired")
    // otherwise, what to do after single click (double click has timed out)
    else dblclick_timer = setTimeout( function(){
        dblclick_timer = false
        // single click code code comes here
        console.log("single click fired")
    }, 250)

you need to track double click and if its not a double click perform click action. Try this

<p id="demo"></p>
<button id='btn'>Click and DoubleClick</button>
var doubleclick =false;
var clicktimeoutid = 0;
var dblclicktimeoutid = 0;
var clickcheck = function(e){
        clicktimeoutid = setTimeout(function(){
            clicktimeoutid  =0;

var performclick =function(e){
     document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += 'click';  
var performdblclick = function(e)
    doubleclick = true;
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML += 'dblclick';
    dblclicktimeoutid  = setTimeout(function(){doubleclick = false},800);
document.getElementById("btn").ondblclick = performdblclick;

a slightly different approach - The actual click comparison happens later in the timeOut function, after a preset interval... till then we simply keep tab on the flags.

& with some simple modifications (click-counter instead of flags) it can also be extended to any number of rapid successive clicks (triple click, et al), limited by practicality.

var clicked = false,
    dblClicked = false,

function onClick(param){
    console.log('Node clicked. param - ',param);

function onDoubleClick(param){
    console.log('Node Double clicked. param - ',param);

function clickCheck(param){
    if (!clicked){
        clicked = true;
        clickTimer = setTimeout(function(){

            else if(clicked){

            clicked = false;
            dblClicked = false;

    } else {
        dblClicked = true;

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