So I'm trying to access a hash table in Racket, but I can not figure out why it's not working.

When I call hash->list on this hash:

{"26220765": [
  "queue": "RANKED_SOLO_5x5",
  "name": "Viktor's Marauders",
  "participantId": "26220765",
  "entries": [
        "leaguePoints": 0,
        "isFreshBlood": false,
        "isHotStreak": false,
        "division": "IV",
        "isInactive": false,
        "isVeteran": true,
        "losses": 168,
        "playerOrTeamName": "iGT500",
        "playerOrTeamId": "32156611",
        "wins": 173
        "leaguePoints": 0,
        "isFreshBlood": true,
        "isHotStreak": false,
        "division": "V",
        "isInactive": false,
        "isVeteran": false,
        "losses": 255,
        "playerOrTeamName": "dragdan",
        "playerOrTeamId": "20430418",
        "wins": 265

It returns

((|26220765| #hasheq((name . "Viktor's Marauders") (queue . "RANKED_SOLO_5x5") (tier . "PLATINUM") (entries . (#hasheq((playerOrTeamId . "32156611") (division . "IV") (playerOrTeamName . "iGT500") (leaguePoints . 0) (wins . 173) (losses . 168) (isHotStreak . #f) (isVeteran . #t) (isFreshBlood . #f) (isInactive . #f)) #hasheq((playerOrTeamId . "20430418") (division . "V") (playerOrTeamName . "dragdan") (leaguePoints . 0) (wins . 265) (losses . 255) (isHotStreak . #f) (isVeteran . #f)

I can not access the hash by using the key 26220765. I've tried defining it as summoner-id and passing it, i've tried using '26220765, it doesn't work. I don't understand why it's being displayed with vertical bars, and if I try '|26220765| or |26220765| it doesn't work either.

I had another hash table where I needed to access the hash "champions", and using 'champions worked, so why isn't this working?

  • Using '|26220765| should work. It's being displayed with vertical bars because it's a symbol, but it's only composed of numeric characters, so it needs to be escaped. Apr 14, 2015 at 2:45
  • @AlexisKing '|26220765 works, I don't know what I was doing before. But what if I have the number 26220765 defined as summoner-id? basically I need '|summoner-id|, but I think I need to escape summoner-id so what's between the '| | is a number, but that number changes depending on who I look up with the API. Any ideas?
    – suhmedoh
    Apr 20, 2015 at 17:01
  • Is summoner-id a string or a number? Apr 20, 2015 at 18:59
  • @AlexisKing It's a number; I ended up doing this: (define summ-key (if (not (hash? league-hash-json)) (printf "No ranked data to judge.\n") (hash-keys league-hash-json))) because at this particular point, it's always returning a hash with the id as the key, and another hash as teh value, and i found that hash-keys lists all the keys in a hash, but only the outtermost layer, if you get what I mean? so this will always be a list with the correct id, so I just take the car of the list and I know it will always match(if they exist). thanks for your help though!
    – suhmedoh
    Apr 20, 2015 at 19:31
  • You probably want to use (string->symbol (number->string summoner-id)). Apr 20, 2015 at 19:46

2 Answers 2


This works:

#lang racket/base
(require json)
(define js (string->jsexpr "{\"123\": \"val\"}"))
js ;=> '#hasheq((|123| . "val"))
(hash-ref js '|123|) ;=> "val"

Do you have a similarly short example of what doesn't work for you?

p.s. You may find people more motivated to answer, if you take a moment to accept and/or upvote answers. Like Racket string to literal? and Getting a specific hash-table from a list in racket?.

  • It says I need to have 15 reputation to update something, which is why I haven't been doing that, and maybe a it's because I'm on mobile but I do not see a way to pick answer and Mark my question as solved
    – suhmedoh
    Apr 15, 2015 at 19:12

In Racket there are different constructors for hash tables. The difference between them is that the hash table uses different comparators (eq? , equal? , eqv?, ...).

That's probably the reason why it doesn't work always like you would want it to. The different hash tables in racket

In fact when making a hash table it has to know which comparator to use to check for equality. You could for example imagine a generic implementation where you have to pass your own lambda to be used as comparator.

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