I have an activity that I want to show up when the phone goes to sleep. However, the phone wakes up when I press the volume buttons or the camera button.

I tried using the dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) method, but it doesn't prevent the phone from waking up.

How else can I disable that functionality?


  • Please define "wakes up". Do you mean that the screen turns on? Jun 4, 2010 at 12:05
  • yes as in the screen turns on
    – Alex
    Jan 25, 2011 at 16:41

1 Answer 1


I heard that waking behaviour is defined on framework level - in policy.jar or somewhere else. So your issue will require modifying system itself. Check also http://forum.samdroid.net/f42/disable-every-button-wake-up-2124/

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