I originally had this, and it was easy: ng-class="response.name" (Where response.name was an evaluated expression.)

But now I'm trying to do this: ng-class="{response.name: true, tooltip: someExpression}" (So that response.name is always there but tooltip is context-dependent.)

You see, I can't have response.name as a key in the object...I know this. It just treats it as the string response.name literally and there's no evaluation. But I need the tooltip class to be applied conditionally. I don't know how to combine these needs!

I first tried simply using multiple ng-class attributes, but it just ignored all but the first.

  • did you tried the combination ng-if with ng-class Apr 21, 2015 at 18:20
  • 1
    I figured it out. Will post answer when it lets me. It's not too tricky but kind of neat. Apr 21, 2015 at 18:22

4 Answers 4


You could do this

<div ng-class="{tooltip: someExpression}" class="{{response.name}}"></div>

Just make sure you test it in all the browsers you are supporting as dynamically setting attributes like this can cause problems with some browsers


FWIW: As of Angular 1.4 you can mix expressions:

ng-class="[response.name, {tooltip: someExpression}]"

ng-class allows you to to this:

<div ng-class="[response.name, {tooltip: someExpression}"></div>

I personally solved it with this hideousness:

{ {{ response.name }}: true, 'tooltip-container': {{ !!response.tooltip }} }

Evaluated expressions interpolated into an evaluated expression. Ugly. Definitely favor Rob's way.

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