I have a user control with a form, and I am trying to embed it in sharepoint 2007... I am getting an error about having two server-side forms on one page. This is crazy! Surely I can write a user control with a form and embed it in sharepoint??


1 Answer 1


This is actually nothing to do with SharePoint - it an ASP.NET question so it may help to change the tags.

MSDN - Form-based Programming in ASP.NET

One of the most common snags that ASP developers encounter when they first approach ASP.NET is that managed Web applications must be written according to a single-form interface model...the SFI model is so entrenched in ASP.NET that there's no way around it.

In this column, I'll review programming forms in ASP.NET and discuss ways to implement a multi-form programming model.

  • Ok thanks. I am now just using the SharePoint form instead, which works fine.
    – Josh
    Jun 7, 2010 at 11:46

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