I am working on a quiz using firebase and angular. At the end of the quiz i want to save a new property to the users object using this code:

function saveTopscore() {
    var ref = new Firebase(CONSTANTS.FIREBASE_URL + 'users/' + User.user.$id + '/');
    var userObject = $firebaseObject(ref);
    userObject.topscore = User.totalCorrect;
    userObject.$save().then(function(ref) {
    }, function(error) {

And it works, but it also overwrite all the properties of the user object. So the object used to hold like a name, username, email, password etc, but when i push the topscore it becomes the only property of the object. Why?

2 Answers 2


Why are you using $firebaseObject here? That is only useful if you three-way bind it to an Angular view. If you're in regular JavaScript code, just stick to Firebase's regular JavaScript SDK.

In this case, just do:

ref.update({ topscore: User.totalCorrect });
  • Thanks that worked! I did it because it said so in the api docs. But this is much easier.
    – idontknow
    Apr 23, 2015 at 22:04
  • 5
    I'm fairly positive the API docs don't say to use $bindTo or any AngularFire bindings if you aren't going to synchronize the data for use in a view or service. (hint: I wrote them)
    – Kato
    Apr 24, 2015 at 15:48

As @Frank said, use the JavaScript SDK.

I wanted to clarify the original context (using $firebaseObject) in case anyone else refers to this question in the future.

  • The original symptom is happening because you're setting a single parameter of the object and saving it before the object (and its already-existing children) have been fully downloaded.
  • So, at the time when you call .$save(), userObject will (most likely) only have its topscore parameter set, and calling .$save() will effectively remove all of the other pre-existing children at the Firebase ref.

You could avoid this using .$loaded() to wait until the object has fully downloaded before modifying and/or updating it...

EDIT: However, as the Intro to AngularFire guide states,

The $loaded() method should be used with care as it's only called once after initial load. Using it for anything but debugging is usually a poor practice.

If you were to ignore this warning and use $loaded() anyway, that implementation could look like this:

Note - ANTIPATTERN: This is not a recommended practice.

var ref = new Firebase(fbUrl + '/users/' + User.user.$id + '/');
var userObject = $firebaseObject(ref);
// wait until userObject has been downloaded, then modify & save it.
  userObject.topscore = User.totalCorrect;
  userObject.$save().then(function(ref) {
  }, function(error) {

As Frank said in the comments to this answer,

"If you're using $loaded() straight after $firebaseObject (or $firebaseArray), you're probably doing something wrong."

  • Hey Sinan. Your approach works too. But I have started using a rule: "if you're using $loaded() straight after $firebaseObject (or $firebaseArray), you're probably doing something wrong". We see way too much use of $loaded() and I'm going to show why people don't need it where I can. ;-) Still... you solution definitely works too. Apr 23, 2015 at 22:56
  • Hi Frank. That's a great point, and that's a great rule! Thanks for clarifying. I was hoping to explain the process of how data is downloaded. I now see in Intro to AngularFire that using $loaded() for something other than debugging is considered poor practice. If $loaded() is being overused, any plans for addressing that? I think it would be awesome to have a list of functional anti-patterns as a reference.
    – sbolel
    Apr 23, 2015 at 23:26
  • 1
    That new documentation you found is one way we try to be more explicit. But it remains tricky. We often tell people to simply bind the $firebaseObject to an element in their view. It will accomplish what they try to do (debug that/what data gets retrieved) with a lot less code, which is what AngularFire is all about. Apr 23, 2015 at 23:44
  • 2
    Great discussion and great ideas. Sinan, if you run across anything you think might be a good usage or antipattern, email it in and we'll add to docs.
    – Kato
    Apr 24, 2015 at 15:49
  • 1
    @SinanBolel I think why people keep making the above mistake and will probably choose $loaded instead of simply using the SDK update is the SDK update does not return a promise... But firebaseObject will. So use it in service we do not need go tho the trouble to create a $q and return promise back to controller. So I think the $loaded method is a lot more straight forward in Angular environment (correct me is I am wrong). But Frank's statement of "you're probably doing something wrong" does scary me to do it this way now...
    – Hugh Hou
    Jun 16, 2015 at 23:10

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