So I am working in a classic ASP environment with a MySQL database. I want to add in a query to a form so that it adds an age restriction of being at least 13 years old. Here's what I was attempting to throw into the code:

If DATEDIFF("yyyy",now(), Person_DateOfBirth) > 12 Then
    Response.write "You are over 12"
    Response.write "You are under 12"
End if

I am attempting to use the Datediff attribute to limit the age result. The now() variable is set as the current date, the Person_DateOfBirth variable is the selection that they choose on the form. Then im attempting to write a response on the screen depending on the value from the diffdate.

When this code is inserted into the query, there is no response at all.

I need help rewriting this code so it functions correctly, or if someone has another resolution in Classic ASP, that would be great.


  • Where is Person_DateOfBirth defined and assigned a value? Is it in a valid date format? Try using CDate to cast it to a date object. Or IsDate to make sure it is a valid date.
    – Jon P
    Apr 24, 2015 at 3:17

1 Answer 1


The code requires the ASP Form Collection to access the "Person_DateOfBirth" variable submitted through the form.

Example Code


        <form action="submit.asp" method="post">
        My age is <input type="text" name="Person_DateOfBirth">
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">


If DATEDIFF("yyyy",now(), request.Form("Person_DateOfBirth")) > 12 Then
    Response.write "You are over 12"
    Response.write "You are under 12"
End if
  • Hi @jblackmon if this or any answer has solved your question please consider accepting it by clicking the check-mark. This indicates to the wider community that you've found a solution and gives some reputation to both the answerer and yourself. There is no obligation to do this. Apr 24, 2015 at 3:10

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