I have a Java desktop application I wrote, and I would like a recommendation about a monitoring application that can spot bottlenecks in the code and real time memory consumptions.

As I was developing for J2Me, the WTK then, had a memory monitor, and I found it really useful, I would like to know which monitoring program you think is best to use.


I looked at the JConsole, it does not strike me as something amazing, but it does give me the data it need, not at the rate I would like and since the GC happens in between the refresh I cannot really see the application performance is there another tool something good and useful that you can recommend?

Another related question, how do I know that the performance of my application is good enough?

I'll explain, I've been asked to design my VoIP to manage 100 simultaneous calls, so I must make sure there are no memory leaks and that the application perform smoothly, other wise it would very quickly terminate. how can I check in the early stages of the application development, that I don't mess up?

3 Answers 3


For monitoring, jconsole, which comes bundled with your JDK, is a good start

While your desktop app is running, launch jconsole, and you should be able to see your app listed as a local process. Select it, connect, and take it from there.

To discover bottlenecks though, you might want to use a profiler. I have used JProfiler with good results, but it is not free (besides a 10 day evaluation period, which might be enough for your needs).


If your SDK is recent enough, it probably includes an application called Java VisualVM which is pretty nice. Look for bin/jvisualvm.exe.


I personally use JProfiler. I benefited from it so much that I wrote a full blog entitled Should you use a Code Profiler? in which I show concrete examples of how you can benefit from code profiling (in this case using JProfiler).

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