The query is the following:

var query = from c in _db.Table<Contact>()
            where c.FirstName.Contains("Alex")
            orderby c.Priority, c.FirstName, c.LastName
            select c;

Is it a limitation of SQLite, MvvmCross plugin? Should I go with .Syntax as a result?

Error CS1936: An implementation of `ThenBy' query expression pattern for source type `Cirrious.MvvmCross.Community.Plugins.Sqlite.ITableQuery<Contact>' could not be found (CS1936)
  • 1
    Definitely not a limitation of SQLite itself... You can see here that MvvmCross-SQLite implements OrderBy, but not ThenBy Apr 26, 2015 at 10:10

2 Answers 2


I was able to handle this by specifying mutiple OrderBy methods:

var res = _db.Table<Contact>()
 .Where(c=> c.....)
 .OrderBy(c => c.Priority)
 .OrderBy(c => c.FirstName)
 .OrderBy(c => c.LastName)
 .Select(c=> c)

Translated to the SQLite query:

SELECT * FROM "Contact"
ORDER BY "Priority", "FirstName", "LastName"

Hope this helped

  • Are you sure this is the generated SQL query? That's not how OrderBy is supposed to work. In LINQ-to-objects this would only order by LastName. Apr 27, 2015 at 20:31
  • it's a specific implementation of the SQLite MvvmCross plugin. I would glad to use ThenBy by it's not implemented (see the error from the question)
    – Mando
    May 4, 2015 at 17:08

You should be able to work around this limitation using a custom IComparer<T> for your Contact object. Here is an MSDN article explaining how to do this. I would recommend using IComparer<T> instead of IComparer. I think IComparer<T> did not exist when the article was written.

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