I downloaded the play games unity plugin from this link : https://github.com/playgameservices/play-games-plugin-for-unity

I am trying to import the plugin into my Unity project as of now and this is the current MainGui.cs code below:

Social.localUser.Authenticate((bool success) => {
    mWaitingForAuth = false;
    if (success) {
        mStatusText = "Welcome " + Social.localUser.userName + ","+Social.localUser.id;

        Social.localUser.LoadFriends((bool s) => {
            if(s) {
                foreach(IUserProfile p in Social.localUser.friends){
                    mStatusText += "\n" + p.id + "," + p.userName;
                mStatusText += "\nLoadFriends success...";
                mStatusText += "\nLoadFriends fail...";
    } else {
        mStatusText = "Authentication failed.";
    Debug.Log (mStatusText);

When I run this, I always get mStatusText as "LoadFriends fail...". I am unable to understand what could be causing the issue here.

1 Answer 1


The function LoadFriends() is not yet implemented as you can see here in the source.

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