What is best pratice for referencing a local commonjs module without using a relative path as below?

var custMod= require(‘customModule’);

Is there any reference for building a module like this?

If I wrote module like below, getting undefined when I call custMode.save(12);

module.exports = customModule;function customModule(mode) {
  var mode = 1;
  return {
    save: function (value) {
        console.log(mode, value)
    get: function (id) {
        console.log(mode, id)
  • Are you asking how to write a module that injects global variables? Or how to create a function that also has custom properties? What exactly is the "this" you are talking about? Apr 29, 2015 at 15:23
  • writing modular js Apr 29, 2015 at 15:24
  • @FelixKling I was asking about writing module that injects global variables and can be loaded using require function.
    – peterkr
    Apr 29, 2015 at 15:30
  • Still not 100% sure what you're asking for, but I've added an answer based on my assumptions. What do you mean by "injects global variables"? Apr 29, 2015 at 15:32
  • 1
    Every module can be loaded with require. Injecting global variables should be avoided. How the module can be loaded (i.e. via a direct path or just the name) cannot be influenced by the module itself. It depends on how the Node environment is set up. This may help to understand the issue: nodejs.org/api/modules.html Apr 29, 2015 at 15:32

2 Answers 2


You can add a path for require to check using




Depending on your node version.

Then if customModule.js exists at /my/path/customModule.js, you can just use


Do note though, you'd need to do this on every module that you intend to use this method on.

  • "Otherwise, you're going to need to npm link or add your module to NPM." Not really. All that really is required is that the module is located in the package's node_modules folder. npm just makes this more convenient. But yeah, adding to npm became a bit more practical, now that it offers private modules. Apr 29, 2015 at 15:35
  • @FelixKling You're right, removed. I don't think that is what I was looking for, but I could've sworn there was an NPM-cli flag that would copy a folder into node_modules. Apr 29, 2015 at 15:37
  • Yes, I think that's what npm link would do (it links a module into the current package). I was just saying that you don't need it (I guess I'm too picky ;) ) Apr 29, 2015 at 15:38

I wish node made this easier to be honest. One possibility:

   |--... (etc)

With the above you can then type require('lib/my-module') from anywhere in your project. (Just make sure and never install an npm module named lib :) Another possibility:

|  |--npm-module-1
|  |--npm-module-2
|  `--... (etc)

With the above you can then type require('my-module'), but only for any files under project_root/lib/.

An advantage of the former approach is that require('lib/my-module') makes it super easy at a glance to tell which modules are local to the project. However the latter is less typing.

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