How can i change color of focused floating label in polymer?

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Thanks for answers.

4 Answers 4


The only way I was able to get around this issue was with this:

paper-input-decorator[focused] /deep/ .floating-label,
paper-input-decorator[focused] /deep/ .label-text {
/* floating label color when the input is focused */
color: orange !important;

Notice how it was necessary to type paper-input-decorator[focused] /deep/ twice


You could also use core-style to do this if you didn't want to use the /deep/ selectors, it would look something like this (untested):

<core-style id="paper-input-decorator">
  .floating-label, .label-text {
    color: orange;

You can set the following polymer style variable: --paper-input-container-focus-color, for example

   --paper-input-container-focus-color: red;
  • this also changes the input bottom border unfortunately
    – dcts
    Apr 27, 2020 at 9:19

For an Information:

To change any style of a label or floating label inside the paper-input, use the code below.

paper-input {
  --paper-input-container-label: {
    color: red;
    font-size: 14px;
  --paper-input-container-label-floating: {
    color: red;
    font-size: 14px;

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