I would like to be able to use the terminal command find to search for files, (easy enough) but then I want the containing folders to be automatically opened. Is there a way to do this in one line of script?

This is the argument that I have written but it still tries to open the file rather that simply the containing folder.

find ~/ -iname "*unbroken*" -execdir open {} ";"

2 Answers 2

find ~/ -iname "*unbroken*" -exec open -R {} ";"

The -R option to open tells it to reveal the file in the Finder. Not only will that open the containing folder, it will select the item.


Just try

find . -iname "*unbroken*" -execdir open . ";"

or (not tested)

find ~/ -iname "*unbroken*" -execdir open ~/ ";"
  • @brad thank u for accepting my answer, but i think Ken's answer is more correct than mine. :)
    – Kjuly
    May 3, 2015 at 12:37

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