
I'm trying to store multiple ResultSets into one ArrayList. I'm catching an error on my while-loop at the first ResultSet.

Here's my code:

List<String> target= new ArrayList<String>();

                sql = "SELECT column";
                sql += "FROM table";
                sql += "WHERE col2= 'val1'";
                sql += "AND col3= 'field2'";
            ResultSet rst1 = wpCall.GetResult(sql);
                while(rst1.next()) {
                    String values= rst1.getString(1);
                sql = "SELECT column";
                sql += "FROM table";
                sql += "WHERE col2= 'val2'";
                sql += "AND col3= 'field2'";
            ResultSet rst1 = wpCall.GetResult(sql);
                while(rst1.next()) {
                    String values2= rst1.getString(1);
  finally { 
     System.out.print("Values: " + Target+ "\n");

Thanks for any help!

  • What error? Please provide stacktrace May 8, 2015 at 16:12
  • why you start variable an method names with capitals? Hard to read and understand. May 8, 2015 at 16:14
  • 2
    I suggest you print your sql before trying to call it. It may give you a clue as to why you get errors. May 8, 2015 at 16:14
  • And I want to use the ArrayList in other areas
    – Frank
    May 8, 2015 at 16:15
  • Class name must start with capital but method and variables should be in camel case. May 8, 2015 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


Your SQL is malformed, you have missed some spaces:

Your first statement should be:

sql = "SELECT column";
sql += " FROM table";
sql += " WHERE col2= 'val1'";
sql += " AND col3= 'field2'";

And your second statement should be:

sql = "SELECT column";
sql += " FROM table";
sql += " WHERE col2= 'val2'";
sql += " AND col3= 'field2'";
  • @Frank without spaces your first query would be SELECT columnFROM tableWHERE col2= 'val1'AND col3= 'field2'
    – antonio
    May 8, 2015 at 16:28
  • Thanks, but now my arraylist only have the first resultset value...any idea what to do?
    – Frank
    May 8, 2015 at 16:33

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