How can I tell a script to select the vertices of a mesh within their indecies that are stored in a list? For example, "currentFace" contains the verts 6,7,8; these are the verts that create the face.

Now I want to select those vertecies to assign a material to them.

mesh.vertices[currentFace].select = True # Select Mesh's currentFace-verts
bpy.ops.object.material_slot_assign() # assign selected material in mesh material-slot to selected verts

The console says that lists are not supported. Is there any other way to select the vertices of the mesh within its index?

Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


You can't use a list as an index into an array. The way to get it to work is to loop through each value in the list -

for i in currentFace:
    mesh.vertices[i].select = True

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