I'm using gmaps with JQuery. I want to display the directions from point A to point B, and then to point C, in a map. I'm using this code, but it's not working:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var map;
        map = new GMaps({
            div: '#map',
            lat: -12.043333,
            lng: -77.028333
            origin: [-12.044012922866312, -77.02470665341184],
            destination: [-12.090814532191756, -77.02271108990476],
            destination: [-12.044012922866312, -77.02470665341184],
            travelMode: 'driving',
            strokeColor: '#131540',
            strokeOpacity: 0.6,
            strokeWeight: 6

1 Answer 1


The object literal you're passing into the map.drawRoute() function has the destination property repeated twice. A JavaScript object can only have one property with the same name, so the second destination overwrites the first.

The documentation for .drawRoute() indicates that you should use a waypoints array for intermediate waypoints. While I haven't tested it, I suspect that the code you want would look something like this:

            origin: [-12.044012922866312, -77.02470665341184],
            waypoints: [
                    location: new google.maps.LatLng(
                    stopover: true
            destination: [-12.044012922866312, -77.02470665341184],
            travelMode: 'driving',
            strokeColor: '#131540',
            strokeOpacity: 0.6,
            strokeWeight: 6

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