Is there a way to make primary key and foreign key relationship with Parse tables? If yes, how?

I've two tables:

User Table:

uId (primary key/string) | uName (string) | uAge (number) | uGender (string) | uLocation (string)

Employment Table:

eId (unique/string) | eType (number) | eSalary (number) | uId (foreign key/string)

So that, if I'll delete an entry from User table, it'll delete all entries for that particular user in Employment table.

1 Answer 1


The objectId created by parse is the unique identifier. There is no concept of a primary key from the point of view of indexing, just unique identification.

A pointer or relationship is the approach you should use to foreign key linking. This is effectively a link to the foreign object objectId.

There is no automatic deletion logic. To accomplish that you would use a before delete cloud trigger to process and cascade the deletion to the linked objects.

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