When I create a new extjs panel with a Card layout inside an other panel I will got the following error:

"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addClsOnOver' of null"

What is this error mean and how can I fix this?

Panel inside the: this is the page where I want to show a tabbed panel inside the item of this panel.

Ext.define('app.view.dashboard.DashboardLeft', {
extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',
xtype: 'dashboardLeft',

requires: [

controller: 'dashboard-dashboardLeft',

viewModel: {
    type: 'dashboard-dashboardLeft'

layout: {
    type: 'vbox',
    pack: 'start',
    align: 'stretch'

defaults: {
    frame: false

items: [{
    flex: 1,
    xtype: 'taskboard' // show tabbed panel

The tabbed panel:

Ext.define("app.view.dashboard.widget.Taskboard", {
extend: 'Ext.tab.Panel',

requires: [

xtype: 'taskboard',
controller: 'taskboard',

viewModel: { 
    type: 'taskboard' 

id: 'taskboard',

// tabs
    title: 'tab 1',
    html: 'test 1'
}, {
    title: 'tab 2',
    html: 'test 2'
}, {
    title: 'tab 3',
    html: 'test 3'
  • What is the jquery tag for? You should never mix ExtJs and jquery in the same app. May 14, 2015 at 19:11
  • 1
    This error it's because you are calling a method of a object which is null. That's probably because you are not recovering from the controller or from whatever you are doing it, the object correctly in this case i think is the "taskboard".
    – qmateub
    May 15, 2015 at 6:39


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