I've created a project on Red Hat openshift now i want to know about how can i connect it with my bit-bucket account to maintain and handle my openshift Project with bit-bucket

  • I read the comment below and i feel that the comment / answers are not the actual answer to your and mine thoughts . so if you've done this thing , can you please share the knowledge with me
    – Mani
    Oct 6, 2015 at 8:49

1 Answer 1


Clone your current repo to your computer,

git clone {{ ssh:source_code }}

The source code URL is available in the app console (under source code) ex:

git clone ssh://[email protected]/~/git/example.git/

log in to bitbucket, create a new repo, with type as git .

navigate your terminal to the cloned repo,

Adding remote to the cloned repo

git remote add bitbucket https://[email protected]/username/reponame.git

To push the changes to the remote repo on bitbucket,

git push bitbucket { branch }


git push bitbucket master

To push the changes to OpenShift repo,

git push origin {branch}

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