I have the following XML:


I'm deserializing it to the .NET type using XmlSerializer. My goal is to have it deserealized as:

public class Product
    public List<int> Categories { get; set; }

Unfortunately I didn't manage to deserealize it to such type (the Categories property is empty). Any ideas how can I do it?

I managed to do it with, but I'm not happy with such solution.

public class Categories
    public List<Int32> Id { get; set; }

public class Product
    public Categories Categories { get; set; }

I know, I can do it with Linq to XML, but I wonder if I can do it with XmlSerializer.

1 Answer 1


You can use the XmlArray and XmlArrayItem attributes:

public class Product
    public List<int> Categories { get; set; }

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