I'm getting a MakePRI error when trying to build the Windows project of an 8.1 Universal app. The strange part is that Microsoft.Band.Phone.pri is what is throwing the error.

Actual Errors

  • Processing Resources with error: Invalid PRI File
  • MakePRI: PRI file is invalid

Screenshot of Error List pane screenshot of error output

Some facts:

  • I am using v1.3.10417 which was added via Nuget in VS2013
  • I am not calling any Band code in the Windows app
  • The error occurs only when I try to Build the Windows project (or Build Solution)
  • The error occurs in any configuration (ARM or x86 in debug or release)

This SO post suggests it is related to unused BCL Build Components in a PCL. I do have a background task which references the Band SDK, and the Band SDK indeed has a dependency on BCL Build components.

This prompted me to remove all Band SDK references from the background task and everything works again!

How can I add the Band SDK back to my background task without breaking the Windows/Windows Phone project?

  • Did you get it sorted? A bug fix release came out a few days ago that took care of user consent issues,- and maybe a few more things? Current v is Microsoft Band SDK 1.3.10518 Commented May 26, 2015 at 15:05


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