I have the following Sinatra app:

class MyFakeAPI < Sinatra::Base
  get "/" do
    "Hello World"

  get "widgets" do
    # code that renders widgets.json

I am attempting, when running integration tests, to serve this Sinatra app for requests to /api to stand in for a lightly used third party api.

The fake api works great when invoked via web mock's to_rack method.

However when I mount like this:

if Rails.env.test?
  mount MyFakeAPI.new => "/api"

Visiting /api renders hello world, but visiting /api/widgets generates a rails routing error.

How do I route all traffic under /api to the Sinatra app?

1 Answer 1


So the problem ended up being that I missed the leading / before widgets in the get route, so it wasn't being routed correctly.


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