I tried adding my own methods to the Tween class to pause/resume all tweens. This is what I have:

createjs.Tween.pauseAllTweens = function() 
    for ( var i = 0, tweenObj; tweenObj = createjs.Tween._tweens[i++]; )

createjs.Tween.resumeAllTweens = function() 
    for ( var i = 0, tweenObj; tweenObj = createjs.Tween._tweens[i++]; )

But I'm not getting the expected results. Can anyone clue me on how to pause all tweens, then resume them without having to pause the Ticker?

  • i just set framerate=0
    – zb'
    Oct 29, 2019 at 12:11

3 Answers 3


There is a simpler way to pause all of the tweens when using TweenJS from CreateJS ...

createjs.Ticker.paused = true; // pauses every tween

createjs.Ticker.paused = false; // un-pauses/resumes all of the tweens


Setting a tween to paused will remove it from the _tweens array. You are better off storing the tweens you create in your own array, and pause/resuming them there.

An approach that would work would be to iterate the _tweens array in reverse when you pause them, and store the tweens temporarily, so you can resume them later.


Ahh, yes... that helped me. Here is what I did:

var pausedTweenObjs = [];

createjs.Tween.pauseAllTweens = function() 
    var i = 0, 
        tweenObjs = createjs.Tween._tweens.slice().reverse(), 

    for ( ; tweenObj = tweenObjs[i++]; )

createjs.Tween.resumeAllTweens = function() 
    var i = 0, tweenObj;

    for ( ; tweenObj = pausedTweenObjs[i++]; )

    pausedTweenObjs.length = 0;

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