I want to calculate 2n-1 for a 64bit integer value. What I currently do is this

for(i=0; i<n; i++) r|=1<<i;

and I wonder if there is more elegant way to do it. The line is in an inner loop, so I need it to be fast.

I thought of


but it doesn't work for n=64, because << is only defined for values of n up to 63.

EDIT: Thanks for all your answers and comments. Here is a little table with the solutions that I tried and liked best. Second column is time in seconds of my (completely unscientific) benchmark.

r=N2MINUSONE_LUT[n];            3.9 lookup table = fastest, answer by aviraldg
r =n?~0ull>>(64 - n):0ull;      5.9 fastest without LUT, comment by Christoph
r=(1ULL<<n)-1;                  5.9 Obvious but WRONG!   
r =(n==64)?-1:(1ULL<<n)-1;      7.0 Short, clear and quite fast, answer by Gabe
r=((1ULL<<(n/2))<<((n+1)/2))-1; 8.2 Nice, w/o spec. case, answer by drawnonward
r=(1ULL<<n-1)+((1ULL<<n-1)-1);  9.2 Nice, w/o spec. case, answer by David Lively
r=pow(2, n)-1;               99.0 Just for comparison
for(i=0; i<n; i++) r|=1<<i;   123.7 My original solution = lame

I accepted

r =n?~0ull>>(64 - n):0ull;

as answer because it's in my opinion the most elegant solution. It was Christoph who came up with it at first, but unfortunately he only posted it in a comment. Jens Gustedt added a really nice rationale, so I accept his answer instead. Because I liked Aviral Dasgupta's lookup table solution it got 50 reputation points via a bounty.

  • yes since 1<<64 is 0; e.g. on 4 bits: 0001 << 1 = 0010, 0001 << 2 = 0100, 0001 << 3 = 1000, 0001 << 4 = 0000 (bit flies away or in some processor bit register) Jun 13, 2010 at 17:01
  • Just for comparison: My for-loop solution took 120s for my specific problem. Jun 13, 2010 at 17:30
  • @ShinTakezou: If 1<<64 was 0 everything would be fine, because 0ULL-1ULL=18446744073709551615ULL in modular arithmetic. This is even standard behaviour and you and rely on this. The problem is that the result of 1<<64 is implementation dependant. On my machine, with my compiler 1ULL<<64 results in 1. Jun 13, 2010 at 17:38
  • if speed is your problem and it is not a problem to stick into hardware dependent optimization, I would write it in asm, where you by the way can also "access" more bit ops that could be useful (in this case maybe not anyway) Jun 13, 2010 at 17:39
  • naa throw away C then, do it with few asm lines, consider it like a per processor optimization (you have to rewrite the code for other processor if you need porting) Jun 13, 2010 at 17:41

13 Answers 13


Use a lookup table. (Generated by your present code.) This is ideal, since the number of values is small, and you know the results already.

/* lookup table: n -> 2^n-1 -- do not touch */
const static uint64_t N2MINUSONE_LUT[] = {
  • 2
    This is actually quite useful, since the values are known ahead of time.
    – stw_dev
    Jun 13, 2010 at 16:26
  • 6
    might look less mysterious if values were defined in hex
    – cobbal
    Jun 13, 2010 at 16:43
  • 1
    And make the table static const, since it's not going to change. :)
    – unwind
    Jun 13, 2010 at 17:42
  • 3
    @paul : It isn't. Nor have I said so. The OP's asked for speed and elegance. Those don't exactly come packaged with readability.
    – aviraldg
    Jun 13, 2010 at 20:49
  • 3
    might I suggest as a comment /* lookup table: n -> 2^n-1 -- do not touch */ instead.
    – wds
    Jun 16, 2010 at 8:17

How about a simple r = (n == 64) ? -1 : (1ULL<<n)-1;?

  • I like that, it's concise, easy to understand and reasonably fast (7.0 s for my specific problem). Jun 13, 2010 at 17:23
  • 11
    n ? ~0ull >> (64 - n) : 0ull is equivalent and might be faster because there's only a single 64bit op
    – Christoph
    Jun 13, 2010 at 21:10
  • 4
    Pedantically, I prefer ~0 to -1, since -1 implies (to me, not the compiler) that you're working with signed integers.
    – user180247
    Jun 13, 2010 at 22:32
  • 1
    @Christoph you're a hacker. It's 5.9s vs 7.0s for the original. Jun 14, 2010 at 18:22

If you want to get the max value just before overflow with a given number of bits, try

r=(1ULL << n-1)+((1ULL<<n-1)-1);

By splitting the shift into two parts (in this case, two 63 bit shifts, since 2^64=2*2^63), subtracting 1 and then adding the two results together, you should be able to do the calculation without overflowing the 64 bit data type.

  • David, you win a special price for the most elegant solution. It's a little bit slower than the "special case n=64" solution (9.2s for my specific problem). Jun 13, 2010 at 17:27
  • @Ludwig, you might be able to speed it up by calculating 1ULL<<n-1 once in a temporary, if the compiler isn't doing it for you already. Jun 14, 2010 at 21:38
if (n > 64 || n < 0)
  return undefined...

if (n == 64)

return (1ULL << n) - 1;
  • 4
    That sure is a FULL 64 bit integer :P (I usually change the case of the suffix from the hex number to eliminate confusion) Jun 14, 2010 at 21:57

I like aviraldg answer best. Just to get rid of the `ULL' stuff etc in C99 I would do

static inline uint64_t n2minusone(unsigned n) {
   return n ? (~(uint64_t)0) >> (64u - n) : 0;

To see that this is valid

  • an uint64_t is guaranteed to have a width of exactly 64 bit
  • the bit negation of that `zero of type uint64_t' has thus exactly 64 one bits
  • right shift of an unsigned value is guaranteed to be a logical shift, so everything is filled with zeros from the left
  • shift with a value equal or greater to the width is undefined, so yes you have to do at least one conditional to be sure of your result
  • an inline function (or alternatively a cast to uint64_t if you prefer) makes this type safe; an unsigned long long may well be an 128 bit wide value in the future
  • a static inline function should be seamlessly inlined in the caller without any overhead
  • Nice explanation and I agree. While aviraldg supplied the LUT solution your solution is basically Christoph's comment to Gabe's answer. It's also the second fastest after aviraldgs LUT. Jun 14, 2010 at 21:22
  • Sure it must be slower, since it has the extra conditional. Can't compare the speed of a correct version and an incorrect one, can't you? BTW, your speed measures, I didn't see anything on this page where you define it, what compiler, cpu etc you use. The results will be much dependent on this. Jun 14, 2010 at 22:39
  • aviraldgs LUT solution is also correct, so the comparison is valid. Jun 20, 2010 at 21:55

The only problem is that your expression isn't defined for n=64? Then special-case that one value.

(n == 64 ? 0ULL : (1ULL << n)) - 1ULL

Shifting 1 << 64 in a 64 bit integer yields 0, so no need to compute anything for n > 63; shifting should be enough fast

r = n < 64 ? (1ULL << n) - 1 : 0;

But if you are trying this way to know the max value a N bit unsigned integer can have, you change 0 into the known value treating n == 64 as a special case (and you are not able to give a result for n > 64 on hardware with 64bit integer unless you use a multiprecision/bignumber library).

Another approach with bit tricks

~-(1ULL << (n-1) ) | (1ULL << (n-1))

check if it can be semplified... of course, n>0


Tests I've done

__attribute__((regparm(0))) unsigned int calcn(int n)
  register unsigned int res;
    "  cmpl $32, %%eax\n"
    "  jg   mmno\n"
    "  movl $1, %%ebx\n"      // ebx = 1
    "  subl $1, %%eax\n"      // eax = n - 1
    "  movb %%al, %%cl\n"     // because of only possible shll reg mode
    "  shll %%cl, %%ebx\n"    // ebx = ebx << eax
    "  movl %%ebx, %%eax\n"   // eax = ebx
    "  negl %%ebx\n"          // -ebx
    "  notl %%ebx\n"          // ~-ebx
    "  orl  %%ebx, %%eax\n"   // ~-ebx | ebx
    "  jmp  mmyes\n"
    "  xor %%eax, %%eax\n"
    "=eax" (res):
    "eax" (n):
    "ebx", "ecx", "cc"
  return res;

#define BMASK(X) (~-(1ULL << ((X)-1) ) | (1ULL << ((X)-1)))
int main()
  int n = 32; //...
  printf("%08X\n", BMASK(n));
  printf("%08X %d %08X\n", calcn(n), n&31, BMASK(n&31));
  return 0;

Output with n = 32 is -1 and -1, while n = 52 yields "-1" and 0xFFFFF, casually 52&31 = 20 and of course n = 20 gives 0xFFFFF...

EDIT2 now the asm code produces 0 for n > 32 (since I am on a 32 bit machine), but at this point the a ? b : 0 solution with the BMASK is clearer and I doubt the asm solution is too much faster (if speed is a so big concern the table idea could be the faster).

  • Thanks for your solution Shin. The problem is that 1<<64 is not 0. If 1<<64 was 0 everything would be fine, because 0ULL-1ULL=18446744073709551615ULL in modular arithmetic. This is even standard behaviour and you and rely on this. The problem is that the result of 1<<64 is implementation dependant. On my machine, with my compiler 1ULL<<64 results in 1. Jun 13, 2010 at 17:52
  • a n<64 ? calcn(n) : 0 would solve anyway then? (with calcn(n) anything from asm code to ~-(A)|(A) or alike)? Jun 13, 2010 at 19:03
  • As promised I had a look at your code. I don't get why you do ~-(1ULL << (n-1) ) | (1ULL << (n-1)). I seems overly complicated while it doesn't solve the original problem (that I have to special case either 0 or 64). Am I missing something? Jun 14, 2010 at 21:13
  • No, missing nothing but ~-A|A is to obtain a mask "upto" the bit "marked" by the position of the only 1 bit in A (obtained with A << n-1 that works for n=64, so that n==64 needs no to be special case anymore, but n>64 gives no 0 as you'd like),since you can't do 2^64-1,but ~-(2^63)|(2^63) is ok. Basically you still need ?: to return 0 for n>64, while my prev comment should be corrected into (n<=64 && n>0) ? calcn(n) : 0. Sorry, no better ideas at the moment. Currently the table could be the faster way, but still need checking for n > of the num of elements in table. Jun 15, 2010 at 12:41
  • P.S. yes it's overly complicated as expression, it seems simpler n>=64 ? 0 : (1ULL << n)-1; but here a real subtraction must be performed, while "negating" could be a little bit more performant of subtracting, in asm, but neg r0; not r0; or r1, r1, r0 instead of sub r1, r1, 1, and there's a n-1 anyway, and the shift also (in common), so my solution has anyway more instructions and so it is yes, overly complicated and not efficient :( (but ~-A|A looks very fine to me:) Jun 15, 2010 at 12:48

Since you've asked for an elegant way to do it:

const uint64_t MAX_UINT64 = 0xffffffffffffffffULL;
#define N2MINUSONE(n) ((MAX_UINT64>>(64-(n))))
  • Of the methods I've seen, I like this the best. Deterministic. No branching. Small footprint. Portable. Original thinking. Kudos!
    – Sparky
    Jun 14, 2010 at 15:50
  • Unfortunately it gives a wrong result for n=0. Your lookup table has 65 entries (not 64) and that's correct because I asked for results from 2^0-1 up to 2^64-1. The right operand shift has only 64 possible meaningful values. That's why I (now) think that a solution with a single shift is not possible. Jun 14, 2010 at 18:10
  • @ludwig : Looking at the comments above, I noticed that Cristoph's solution is exactly the same, apart from the fact that he's special casing 0.
    – aviraldg
    Jun 14, 2010 at 22:17
  • You left out the special case (which is important) but otherwise you are right. It's the fastest (except for the LUT) and probably most elegant solution so far. Jun 14, 2010 at 22:31

I hate it that (a) n << 64 is undefined and (b) on the popular Intel hardware shifting by word size is a no-op.

You have three ways to go here:

  1. Lookup table. I recommend against this because of the memory traffic, plus you will write a lot of code to maintain the memory traffic.

  2. Conditional branch. Check if n is equal to the word size (8 * sizeof(unsigned long long)), if so, return ~(unsigned long long)0, otherwise shift and subtract as usual.

  3. Try to get clever with arithmetic. For example, in real numbers 2^n = 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-1), and you can exploit this identity to make sure you never use a power equal to the word size. But you had better be very sure that n is never zero, because if it is, this identity cannot be expressed in the integers, and shifting left by -1 is likely to bite you in the ass.

I personally would go with the conditional branch—it is the hardest to screw up, manifestly handles all reasonable cases of n, and with modern hardware the likelihood of a branch misprediction is small. Here's what I do in my real code:

/* What makes things hellish is that C does not define the effects of
   a 64-bit shift on a 64-bit value, and the Intel hardware computes
   shifts mod 64, so that a 64-bit shift has the same effect as a
   0-bit shift.  The obvious workaround is to define new shift functions 
   that can shift by 64 bits. */

static inline uint64_t shl(uint64_t word, unsigned bits) {
  assert(bits <= 64);
  if (bits == 64)
    return 0;
    return word << bits;

I think the issue you are seeing is caused because (1<<n)-1 is evaluated as (1<<(n%64))-1 on some chips. Especially if n is or can be optimized as a constant.

Given that, there are many minor variations you can do. For example:


You will have to measure to see if that is faster then special casing 64:

  • @drawnonward: (1<<(64%64))-1=(1<<0)-1=0, Hmm, could be right. Works and is nearly as fast as the '64 special case' solution, I measured 8.3s. Jun 14, 2010 at 17:52

It is true that in C each bit-shifting operation has to shift by less bits than there are bits in the operand (otherwise, the behavior is undefined). However, nobody prohibits you from doing the shift in two consecutive steps

r = ((1ULL << (n - 1)) << 1) - 1;

I.e. shift by n - 1 bits first and then make an extra 1 bit shift. In this case, of course, you have to handle n == 0 situation in a special way, if that is a valid input in your case.

In any case, it is better than your for cycle. The latter is basically the same idea but taken to the extreme for some reason.

Ub = universe in bits = lg(U):
high(v) = v >> (Ub / 2)
low(v) = v & ((~0) >> (Ub - Ub / 2))  // Deal with overflow and with Ub even or odd

You can exploit integer division inaccuracy and use the modulo of the exponent to ensure you always shift in the range [0, (sizeof(uintmax_t) * CHAR_BIT) - 1] to create a universal pow2i function for integers of the largest supported native word size, however, this can easily be tweaked to support arbitrary word sizes.

I honestly don't get why this isn't just the implementation in hardware for bit shift overflows.

#include <limits.h>
static inline uintmax_t pow2i(uintmax_t exponent) {
    #define WORD_BITS  ( sizeof(uintmax_t) * CHAR_BIT )
    return ((uintmax_t) 1) << (exponent / WORD_BITS) << (exponent % WORD_BITS);
    #undef WORD_BITS

From there, you can calculate pow2i(n) - 1.

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