I have a simple MySQL table on my server with 4 fields. pid, aid, uname and active. I am sending the uname variable via my android app to my PHP code and I want to change the boolean active column from 1 to 0 where the uname field is equal to the value I send through the app. This is the code I have: The value I send from the android app is received like this in index.php and passed onto the other function in DB_Functions.php

else if ($tag == 'notpart'){

    $uname = $_POST['uname'];
    $notpart = $db->notpart($uname);

    if (!empty($notpart)) {
            // stored successfully
        $response["success"] = 1;
        //$response["notpart"]["aid"] = $notpart["aid"];
        $response["notpart"]["uname"] = $notpart["uname"];

            echo json_encode($response);
        else {
            // failed to store
            $response["error"] = 1;
            //$response["error_msg"] = "JSON Error occured";
            $response["error_msg"] = mysql_error();
            echo json_encode($response);


The function in DB_Functions.php: UPDATE: changed $uname to '$uname'. Now the IllegalStringOffset Warning is gone but JSONException exists

public function notpart($uname) {
    $uuid = uniqid('', true);
    echo $uname;
    $result = mysql_query("UPDATE part SET active='0' WHERE uname = $uname");
    // check for successful store
    if ($result) {
         //get event details 
        $pid = mysql_insert_id(); // last inserted id
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM part WHERE pid = $pid");
         //return event details
        return mysql_fetch_array($result);
    } else {
        return mysql_error();

But I am getting an Illegal String offset warning and no changes are made to the MySQL table.

Here's the logcat:

05-20 21:57:26.958: E/JSON(17919): wwwww<br />n<b>Warning</b>:  Illegal string offset 'uname' in <b>C:\xampp\htdocs\shareity\shareity\index.php</b> on line <b>445</b><br />n{"tag":"notpart","success":1,"error":0,"notpart":{"uname":"U"}}n
05-20 21:57:26.958: E/JSON Parser(17919): Error parsing data org.json.JSONException: Value wwwww<br of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

I tried isset and !empty methods to try to send off the illegal offset error, but nothing worked. Can someone please tell me what's wrong? Thanks

1 Answer 1

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE part SET active='0' WHERE uname = $uname");

try this:

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE part SET active='0' WHERE `uname` = '$uname'");

Also note, you're setting active to '0', not to 0. Change it to 0 if active field type is INT.

Also, you're asking yourelf for SQLInjection. Use mysql_real_escape_string()

Additionally, dont use mysql (deprecated) extension. Switch to mysqli or PDO.

Last thing to fix is to remove echo $uname; It breaks json response adding uname to output. This probably breaks your json.

  • for boolean use TRUE or FALSE or 1 or 0 if you want o use numeric value but not '0'
    – Grzegorz
    May 20, 2015 at 22:09
  • Okay I changed the field type to INT. And used 0 instead of '0'. Now the String offset warning is gone, after using '$uname' instead of $uname but now I get a JSON error saying the value of uname (java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject) May 20, 2015 at 22:16
  • can u attach var_dump of variable you pass to json?
    – Grzegorz
    May 20, 2015 at 22:20
  • sorry what is var_dump? May 20, 2015 at 22:21
  • it's a String. A String that has the value donor123 May 20, 2015 at 22:21

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