I am coding a MVC 5 internet application and I have a question in regards to using an interface with Lazy<T> initialization.

Here is the class definition in question:

public class WebAPITokenService1_0 : IWebApiTokenService

Here is my code that works with out using the interface in the declaration:


Lazy<WebAPITokenService1_0> webAPITokenService1_0;


webAPITokenService1_0 = new Lazy<WebAPITokenService1_0>();

Here is the same code, but with using an interface:


Lazy<IWebApiTokenService> webAPITokenService1_0;


webAPITokenService1_0 = new Lazy<WebAPITokenService1_0>();

Here is the error when using the interface in the declaration:

> Cannot implicitly convert type
> 'System.Lazy<CanFindLocation.Services.AndroidWebAPI._1_0.WebAPITokenService1_0>'
> to
> 'System.Lazy<CanFindLocation.Interfaces.WebService.IWebApiTokenService>'  E:\CanFindLocation\MVC\CanFindLocation\CanFindLocation\Controllers\AndroidWebAPI\1_0\WebService1_0Controller.cs

I have had a look at the Lazy Initialization, but cannot see any information about the above situation.

Can I use an interface with Lazy<T> initialization, and if so, what is incorrect with my above code?

  • 2
    Lazy<IWebApiTokenService> webAPITokenService1_0=new Lazy<IWebApiTokenService>(() => new WebAPITokenService1_0()); May 21, 2015 at 3:59
  • Thank you. I will accept this is answer if you would like to post an answer.
    – Simon
    May 21, 2015 at 6:46

2 Answers 2


Lazy<T> does not support covariance, so you must use exactly the same type in the declaration and initialization.


.NET supports generic variance only for interfaces and delegates, and Lazy<T> is a class. So you can not assign Lazy<Derived> instance to Lazy<Base> variable

However, you can create a Lazy<Base> instance that contains Derived instance as its Value property by using the Lazy<T> constructor that accepts a factory delegate as an argument:

Lazy<Base> lazy1 = new Lazy<Base>(() => new Derived(args1));
Lazy<Base> lazy2 = new Lazy<Base>(() => GetDerived(args2));
  • Good answer. I was having trouble understanding what OP was trying to accomplish.
    – BJ Myers
    May 21, 2015 at 16:44

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