I have this layout:

                    <!-- Content -->

    <!-- Filtering Controls -->

The screen doesn't have a fixed or max height. The Scrollbar shows fine and works fine, but when the mouse is over the items in the List/GridView, the ScrollViewer doesn't receive the event and doesn't scroll.

I've read about how I can implement an extension, but that seems overdoing it, what's the simplest solution to make the List/GridView either pass the mouse wheel scroll event to the ScrollViewer or ignore them?

1 Answer 1


This happens because listview handles the scroll event, the simplest I can suggest is to override content of listview and insert a itemsPresenter which has no scroll properties inside it.

I solved such problem by using something like this..


Have a look here for detailed discussion on this topic

  • This way I kill the GridView layout inside the ListView. I've read that question too and this was the easiest solution I found, but I couldn't make it work with the GridView.
    – Danicco
    May 22, 2015 at 14:10

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