I need all combinations of subsets of a string. In addition, a subset of length 1 can only be followed by a subset with length > 1. E.g. for string 4824 the result should be:

 [ [4, 824], [4, 82, 4], [48, 24], [482, 4], [4824] ]

So far I managed to retrieve all possible subsets with:

    length = len(number)
    ss = []
    for i in xrange(length):
        for j in xrange(i,length):
            ss.append(number[i:j + 1])

which gives me:

  ['4', '48', '482', '4824', '8', '82', '824', '2', '24', '4']

But I don't know how to combine those now.

  • Maybe it can help you List Comprehension May 22, 2015 at 13:21
  • By subset you mean a substring?
    – geckon
    May 22, 2015 at 13:22
  • I think you are interested in power sets May 22, 2015 at 13:23
  • 1
    This isn't about power sets. I don't know the proper terminology, but this question is definitely related, and some of the answers given there could be refined for the additional requirement of "subset of length 1 can only be followed by a subset with length > 1".
    – John Y
    May 22, 2015 at 13:55
  • 1
    @skolsuper i post a answer, based it ... I hope is correct May 22, 2015 at 15:07

4 Answers 4


First, write a function for generating all the partitions of the string:

def partitions(s):
    if s:
        for i in range(1, len(s) + 1):
            for p in partitions(s[i:]):
                yield [s[:i]] + p
        yield []

This iterates all the possible first segments (one character, two characters, etc.) and combines those with all the partitions for the respective remainder of the string.

>>> list(partitions("4824"))
[['4', '8', '2', '4'], ['4', '8', '24'], ['4', '82', '4'], ['4', '824'], ['48', '2', '4'], ['48', '24'], ['482', '4'], ['4824']]

Now, you can just filter those that match your condition, i.e. those that have no two consecutive substrings of length one.

>>> [p for p in partitions("4824") if not any(len(x) == len(y) == 1 for x, y in zip(p, p[1:]))]
[['4', '82', '4'], ['4', '824'], ['48', '24'], ['482', '4'], ['4824']]

Here, zip(p, p[1:]) is a common recipe for iterating over all pairs of consecutive items.

Update: Actually, incorporating your constraint directly into the partition function is not that hard, either. Just keep track of the last segment and set the minimum length accordingly.

def partitions(s, minLength=1):
    if len(s) >= minLength:
        for i in range(minLength, len(s) + 1):
            for p in partitions(s[i:], 1 if i > 1 else 2):
                yield [s[:i]] + p
    elif not s:
        yield []


>>> print list(partitions("4824"))
[['4', '82', '4'], ['4', '824'], ['48', '24'], ['482', '4'], ['4824']]
  • This is inefficient for longer strings, since you are generating a lot of partitions that will be filtered.
    – chepner
    May 22, 2015 at 14:45
  • @chepner Agreed. Added another algorithm doing the filtering while generating solutions.
    – tobias_k
    May 22, 2015 at 15:11

would be interesting to see more test cases, the following algorithm does what you say:


def partitions(s):
  yield [s]
    for i in range(len(s)-1, 0, -1):
      for g in partitions(s[i:]):
        out = [s[:i]] + g
        if not any([len(out[i]) == len(out[i+1]) and len(out[i])==1 for i in range(len(out)-1)]):
          yield out


you get:

[['4824'], ['482', '4'], ['48', '24'], ['4', '824'], ['4', '82', '4']]


I based on the following algorithm:


def partitions_original(s):
  #yield original string
  yield [s]
    for i in range(len(s)-1, 0, -1):
      #divide string in two parts
      #iteration 1: a="482", b="4"
      #iteration 2: a="48", b="24"
      #iteration 3: a="4", b="824"
      a = s[:i]
      b = s[i:]
      #recursive call of b
      for g in partitions_original(b):
        #iteration 1: b="4", g=[['4']]
        #iteration 2: b="24", g=[['24']]
        #iteration 3: b="824", g=[['824'], ['82', '4'], ['8', '24']]
        yield [a] + g


you get:

[['4824'], ['482', '4'], ['48', '24'], ['4', '824'], 
['4', '82', '4'], ['4', '8', '24']]

the problem is ['4', '8', '24'] ..... then I must add if to code, because "a subset of length 1 can only be followed by a subset with length > 1"

[len(out[i]) == len(out[i+1]) and len(out[i])==1 for i in range(len(out)-1)] return for ['4', '8', '24'] -> [True, False] .... any Return True if any element of the iterable is true


also it can be used:

if all([len(out[i]) != len(out[i+1]) or len(out[i])!=1 for i in range(len(out)-1)]):


What I am doing here is to get all the possible split position of the string and eliminate the last one.

for example, in some string with 5 numbers "12345" for ex., there is 4 possible position to split the string, call it possibility = (0,0,0,0),(1,0,1,0)... with (0,0,1,0) mean (don't separate 1 and 2345,don't separate 12 and 345,separate 123 and 45,don't separate 1234 and 5) so you can get all possibilities while your condition is verified since we eliminate the (1,1,1,1) case.

import itertools
from math import factorial
from itertools import product

def get_comb(string):
    L = len(string_)
    combinisation = []

    for possibility in product([0,1], repeat=len(string_)-1):
        s = []
        indexes = [i for i in range(len(string_)-1) if list(possibility)[i]!=0]
        if sum(indexes) != 0:
            if sum(indexes) != len(string_)-1:
                for index in indexes:
    return combinisation

string_ = '4824'
print "%s combinations:"%string_
print get_comb(string_)

string_ = '478952'
print "%s combinations:"%string_
print get_comb(string_)

string_ = '1234'
print "%s combinations:"%string_
print get_comb(string_)

4824 combinations:
[['482', '4'], ['48', '24'], '4824', ['4', '482', '4'], ['4', '48', '24'], '4824
478952 combinations:

[['47895', '2'], ['4789', '52'], ['4789', '47895', '2'], ['478', '952'], ['478',
 '47895', '2'], '478952', ['478', '4789', '47895', '2'], ['47', '8952'], '478952
', ['47', '4789', '52'], ['47', '4789', '47895', '2'], ['47', '478', '952'], ['4
7', '478', '47895', '2'], ['47', '478', '4789', '52'], ['47', '478', '4789', '47
895', '2'], ['4', '47895', '2'], ['4', '4789', '52'], ['4', '4789', '47895', '2'
], ['4', '478', '952'], ['4', '478', '47895', '2'], '478952', ['4', '478', '4789
', '47895', '2'], ['4', '47', '8952'], '478952', ['4', '47', '4789', '52'], ['4'
, '47', '4789', '47895', '2'], ['4', '47', '478', '952'], ['4', '47', '478', '47
895', '2'], ['4', '47', '478', '4789', '52'], ['4', '47', '478', '4789', '47895'
, '2']]

1234 combinations:

[['123', '4'], ['12', '34'], '1234', ['1', '123', '4'], ['1', '12', '34'], '1234
  • There seem to be some duplicate characters in your combinations, e.g. ['4', '482', '4']. Also, I'd suggest being more consistent with the data types in the list, i.e. use ['4824'] instead of '4824'
    – tobias_k
    May 22, 2015 at 15:55

A normal code can be written like:

s=raw_input('enter the string:')
for i in range(len(s)):
    for j in range(i,len(s)):

print word
print 'no of possible combinations:',len(word)

And output: enter the string: 4824 ['4', '48', '482', '4824', '8', '82', '824', '2', '24', '4'] no of possible combinations:10

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