I have a set of data:


ID   TreatmentDate   Treatment
111   12/12/2010     AA
111   01/12/2011     BB
222   07/08/2009     CC
222   07/05/2010     DD
222   07/03/2011     AA
222   05/08/2011     BB
222   27/08/2013     BB
222   03/09/2016     CC

I also have another dataframe showing the test date for each subject:


I am trying to summarise the data such that, say if I want to see how many treatment a subject has prior to their test date, I would get something like this and I would like to export this to a spreasheet.

ID     Prior_to_date      TreatmentAA   TreatmentBB    TreatmentCC    TreatmentDD
111       31/12/2012           1             1              0              0
222       31/12/2014           1             2              1              1

Any help would be much appreciated!!

1 Answer 1


We could join the two dataset with 'ID', create a column that checks the condition ('indx'), and use dcast to convert from 'long' to 'wide' format

 dcast(setkey(setDT(df), ID)[SubjectTestDate][,
     indx:=sum(TreatmentDate <=Testdate) , list(ID, Treatment)], 
       ID+Testdate~ paste0('Treatment', Treatment), value.var='indx', length)
#    ID   Testdate TreatmentAA TreatmentBB TreatmentCC TreatmentDD
#1: 111 2012-12-31           1           1           0           0
#2: 222 2014-12-31           1           2           2           1


Based on the modified 'df', we join the 'df' with 'SubjectTestDate', create the 'indx' column as before, and also a sequence column 'Seq', grouped by 'ID' and 'Treatment', use dcast and then remove the duplicated 'ID' rows with unique

  unique(dcast(setkey(setDT(df), ID)[SubjectTestDate][, 
    c('indx', 'Seq') := list(sum(TreatmentDate <= Testdate), 1:.N) ,
    .(ID, Treatment)], ID+ Seq+ Testdate ~ paste0('Treatment', 
            Treatment), value.var='indx', fill=0), by='ID')
  #    ID Seq   Testdate TreatmentAA TreatmentBB TreatmentCC TreatmentDD
  #1: 111   1 2012-12-31           1           1           0           0
  #2: 222   1 2014-12-31           1           2           1           1
  • I have installed data.table but it still says "could not find function "dcast"? Wonder if you know what the issue is? May 22, 2015 at 14:59
  • @Headandtoes I am using the devel version of data.table. For other versions, I think dcast.data.table works
    – akrun
    May 22, 2015 at 15:00
  • Thank you so much. Just one more question - is there an easy way to export the data to excel? May 22, 2015 at 15:11
  • 1
    @Headandtoes There are several if you search the web for "write.xls" with "r"
    – Frank
    May 22, 2015 at 15:39
  • Hi, I notice a possible error in the code - If I change one of the treatment dates to after the test date,(e.g. treatment date: 2016-1-31, test date: 2014-12-31) That treatment will still be counted but it should not be counted? May 22, 2015 at 16:55

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