I faced a situation where I got duplicate values from LEFT JOIN. I think this might be a desired behavior but unlike from what I want.

I have three tables: person, department and contact.

person :

id bigint,
person_name character varying(255)

department :

person_id bigint,
department_name character varying(255)

contact :

person_id bigint,
phone_number character varying(255)

Sql Query :

SELECT p.id, p.person_name, d.department_name, c.phone_number 
FROM person p
  LEFT JOIN department d 
    ON p.id = d.person_id
  LEFT JOIN contact c 
    ON p.id = c.person_id;

Result :

1 |"John"     |"Finance"      |"023451"
1 |"John"     |"Finance"      |"99478"
1 |"John"     |"Finance"      |"67890"
1 |"John"     |"Marketing"    |"023451"
1 |"John"     |"Marketing"    |"99478"
1 |"John"     |"Marketing"    |"67890"
2 |"Barbara"  |"Finance"      |""
3 |"Michelle" |""             |"005634"

I know it's what joins do, keeping multiplied with selected rows. But It gives a sense like phone numbers 023451,99478,67890 are for both departments while they are only related to person john with unnecessary repeated values which will escalate the problem with larger data set.
So, here is what I want:

1 |"John"     |"Finance"      |"023451"
1 |"John"     |"Marketing"    |"99478"
1 |"John"     |""             |"67890"
2 |"Barbara"  |"Finance"      |""
3 |"Michelle" |""             |"005634"

This is a sample of my situation and I am using a large set of tables and queries. So, kind of need a generic solution.

  • Preventing duplicates for any inner or left join is handled by correctly joining along the multiplicities (and having them right at the start!). The result currently shown is 'correct' - or else information would be lost. May 23, 2015 at 8:35
  • 2
    the results you desire are absolutely arbitrary, because there is no relation between contact and department in the schema
    – guido
    May 23, 2015 at 8:36
  • 1
    @Beginner- postgres db. Does it matter ? Its basic sql right ? May 23, 2015 at 8:59
  • @ᴳᵁᴵᴰᴼ I know its kind of arbitrary, but the result creates many redundancy. any help to achieve my desired result. Do I need to change schema for this ? May 23, 2015 at 9:01
  • 4
    how do you know for Finance the phone number is 023451 I dont see any relation between dept and contact. May 23, 2015 at 9:04

5 Answers 5


I like to call this problem "cross join by proxy". Since there is no information (WHERE or JOIN condition) how the tables department and contact are supposed to match up, they are cross-joined via the proxy table person - giving you the Cartesian product. Very similar to this one:

More explanation there.

Solution for your query:

SELECT p.id, p.person_name, d.department_name, c.phone_number
FROM   person p
   SELECT person_id, min(department_name) AS department_name
   FROM   department
   GROUP  BY person_id
   ) d ON d.person_id = p.id
   SELECT person_id, min(phone_number) AS phone_number
   FROM   contact
   GROUP  BY person_id
   ) c ON c.person_id = p.id;

You did not define which department or phone number to pick, so I arbitrarily chose the minimum. You can have it any other way ...

  • thanks for the information. I got the problem here. But according to your query, what if a user wants first department, phone number in first row, then second one in second row like so on. It sounds ridiculous but any ideas ? May 25, 2015 at 5:14
  • Like may be use sequence or something on both department and contact table to retrieve corresponding records without duplicating. May 25, 2015 at 5:16
  • could it be possible with any sub-query ? May 25, 2015 at 12:59
  • @GautamKumarSamal: How would you define "first". Unlike in a spreadsheet, there is no natural order in a table of an RDBMS. If you can define first, you could run row_number() OVER (ORDER BY <criteria>) AS rn and then LEFT JOIN in the row number in the subquery. Start a new question with all details if it's still unclear. Related: stackoverflow.com/questions/28034827/what-type-of-join-to-use/… May 25, 2015 at 14:08
  • you seem to chose MIN rather FIRST, no?
    – jangorecki
    Jun 5, 2020 at 13:09

I think you just need to get lists of departments and phones for particular person. So just use array_agg (or string_agg or json_agg):

    array_agg(d.department_name) as "department_names",
    array_agg(c.phone_number) as "phone_numbers"
FROM person AS p
LEFT JOIN department AS d ON p.id = d.person_id
LEFT JOIN contact AS c on p.id = c.person_id
GROUP BY p.id, p.person_name

Although the tables are obviously simplified for discussion, it appears they are structurally flawed. Tables should be structured to show relationships between entities, rather than be merely lists of entities and/or attributes. And I would consider a phone number to be an attribute (of a person or department entity) in this case.

The first step would be to create tables with relationships, each having a primary key and possibly a foreign key. In this example, it would be helpful to have the person table use person_id for the primary key, and the department table to use department_id for its primary key. Next look for one-to-many or many-to-many relationships, and set your foreign keys accordingly:

  • If one person can only be in one department at a time, then you have a one(department)-to-many(persons). No foreign key in the department table, but department_id will be a foreign key in the persons table.
  • If one person can be in more than one department, they you have a many-to-many, and you'll need an additional junction table with person_id and department_id as foreign keys.

To summarize, there should only be two tables in your scenario: one table for the person and the other table for the department. Even allowing for personal phone numbers (a column in the persons table) and department numbers in the department table, this would be a better approach.

The only caveat is when one department has many numbers (or more than one department shares a single phone number), but this would be beyond the scope of the original question.

  • Thanks for replay. Like you suggested, I had primary-foreign relationships among them. Its like person->contact (one-to-many), person->department(one-to-many). If a user wants to see person along with his contacts and departments information, what would be the perfect way ? May 23, 2015 at 9:34
  • You already have person_id as a foreign key in the departments table, which is a great start. I would next turn the contacts table into a column in the persons table. Contact info isn't suitable for a stand-alone table. May 25, 2015 at 3:22
  • I suspect your phone numbers may be a combination of department numbers and person numbers. If it is a mixture of both types, you'll have to somehow distinguish the difference, either with a temporary "flag" column, or query using IN(...) with a comma-delimited list of department numbers. May 25, 2015 at 3:34
  • contact table is quite large in my case. It not only stores phone number, but also every details like blood group, marital status , address and so..So, its a stand-alone table May 25, 2015 at 10:28

Use this type of query: SQL Server
(You can change id of ORDER BY id to each column that you want it)

    person p
     FROM department) d 
    ON d.person_id = p.id And d.seq = 1
     FROM contact) c 
    ON c.person_id = p.id And c.seq = 1;
SELECT p.id, p.person_name, d.department_name, c.phone_number 
FROM person p
  LEFT JOIN department d 
    ON p.id = d.person_id
  LEFT JOIN contact c 
    ON p.id = c.person_id 
group by p.id, p.person_name, d.department_name, c.phone_number
  • Won't this give the same result? Since in the original example there are no two rows with all of the same [id, person, dept, phone] values, grouping by those fields wouldn't change anything. May 1, 2020 at 19:54

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